Monday, 2 October 2017


I didn't get to write for all of September. so here is a few things from our lives recently!

Keaton is back for his second year of sciences at MacEwan and liking it so far. In between studying, he took on the challenge to build us a home desktop computer, and we're pretty happy about it. The reason why he decided this was because I told him it would be nice to have a desktop and my laptop is getting old. I'm happy I have a computer savvy husband to take care of all our technological needs!

Courtney and Tom welcomed their baby girl into the world!
Vera Jacklyn Stringham is a beautiful and healthy baby. 
We can't wait to meet her! Jackie was able to be there with them for all of it and sent us all lots of pictures of little Vera!

My favourite photo of her (so far)!

On September 23, we took part in the Edmonton Food Drive. Our routes were pretty short, but that's okay. When we dropped the food off at the church, it felt so good! It definitely makes you want to help as much as you can! 
That night was also the Women's session of General Conference. I had to work, but I watched it the next day on the computer. And oh my goodness, it was a good meeting! I love hearing from the women leaders in the church. I'm getting happy just typing about it! I love those women so much.

A couple months ago, Aunt Nancy sent us an email asking if we wanted to buy her Coldplay tickets since she bought them for her and her family, but plans had changed and she decided to sell them. Keaton and I weren't too sure at first since we had already seen Ed Sheeran in July. Eventually, we decided to take the tickets and sold them on behalf of Nancy. Keaton's friends Kyle and Aidan, along with Aidan's fiance Morgan, attended with us. I also sold two tickets to my assistant managers roommate. 
On September 26, we had dinner with Kyle, Austen, and Caitlin before the concert and we walked to Rogers Place. We were up pretty high, but still had a decent side view. 
All in all, it was an amazing concert! SO colourful!

General conference took place over the weekend! I had to miss the Saturday afternoon session due to work, but I just caught up today! I'm really impressed with all the talks!
It was heartbreaking to hear that Elder Robert D. Hales passed away right after the Sunday morning session. But everyone pressed forward because of what we believe, that there is life after death and it was his time to leave this mortal state. 
But after the Sunday morning session, Keaton and I made waffles, eggs, and bacon for a little conference brunch. I don't know if we'll make it a tradition or not, but it was nice to have a good Sunday brunch!

Now today is October 2, and we got a bit of snow here in Alberta (not really a surprise though, there's already snow in Jasper). A few nights ago, we got to see the Northern Lights from the field in front of our apartment building! It was at 1:30 a.m., so I was quite tired, but it was really exciting to see them so bright in the city! Hope to see them again.

And to end this post, there has been some recent violence in Edmonton and more in Las Vegas. 

Can I leave with one request? ... p l e a s e  b e  n i c e  t o  e a c h  o t h e r  
It's sickening to see so many innocent people being killed or injured by horrific violence. At times like these, more than ever we need to stick together as families, friends, and teammates.